Donate to

Please note that we currently have enough funding to operate for the foreseeable future. You can still donate if you feel inclined to do so but it is not necessary at this point. Thank you.

Notification and perks for donating are currently not working, apologies for the inconvenience.

Why donate? has no advertisements, is not sponsored and provides its services free of charge. For these reasons, the financial obligations of can only be met with the help of voluntary user donations. Supporting is and will always remain voluntary. If you are financially able, please help pay the bills by donating. The site's survival and continued operation is up to you, the users. uses all voluntary donations to cover the costs of running the site, tracker and IRC network. These costs represent the hardware the site runs on (e.g. servers, upgrades, fixes, etc.) and recurring operating expenses (e.g. hosting, bandwidth, power, etc.).

Please note that is a nonprofit organisation. No staff member or other individual responsible for the site's operation personally profits from user donations. As a donor, your financial support is exclusively applied to operating costs. When you donate, you are not paying the staff or buying the ability to download. When you donate, you are paying the site's bills.

What you will get for donating

The donor rank system is currently available to all credited donors. This system provides donors with perks. Some of these perks are cosmetic (e.g. a donor icon added to your account), some are one-time benefits (e.g. additional upload credit) and others modify specific site options (e.g. a bigger PM inbox).

Please be reminded that when you make a donation, you are not purchasing donor ranks or any specific benefits. When donating, you are helping pay its bills and your donation should be made in this spirit. The staff does its best to recognise financial supporters in a fair and fun way but all donor perks are subject to change or cancellation at any time, without notice.

Having said all that, your donation does not come with immunity from the rules. This means that sanctions to breaking these rules also apply if you have donated to the site.

Donate via Bitcoin

Thank you for your interest in donating. The only way to support at the moment is via the pseudonymous cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Please be aware that in order to be eligible for perks, a minimum donation of 5EUR equivalent in Bitcoin must be made. This however only represents the minimum for receiving perks. Any amount, be it higher or lower, is greatly appreciated and we will be grateful for your support.

In order to continue, you must generate a Bitcoin address by entering your user details below.

Generate Bitcoin address

Please do not generate a bitcoin address unless you are going to donate! Thank you for your understanding.

Any address that is not used within a timely manner will be marked as available again. This means that address can be handed out to someone else. If you decide not to donate after receiving an address but would like to do so at a later time, please use this form again to get an address. This makes sure any eligible perks will indeed go to the correct user.

Please fill out your username.
Please fill out your email address.